今日の単語 unruly
U 0件のコメントunruly
1.今日の単語は unruly です。例文から意味を想像してみましょう。
Hair gels offer a quick fix to unruly hair and provide a natural shine – Hair gels make styling one’s hair super easy. It take minimum amount of time to bring luminous shine to your hair. (from Hindustan Times)
ギャツビーのヘアジェルの解説。unruly な髪の毛を素早く整える。
Greg Gutfeld: Here’s my advice for airlines dealing with unruly passengers – I hope I’m treated with the respect I treat airline passengers with. (from Fox)
飛行機の搭乗者。問題を起こす方がいますよね。。。unruly passengers
It’s not good enough just to blame the unruly children.
unruly な子供たちを責めるだけではだめですね
The man had a huge head of remarkably black, unruly hair.
その男性の頭は大きくて真っ黒で unruly な髪の毛でおおわれていた
Unruly people are difficult to control and often do not obey rules:
If you describe people, especially children, as unruly, you mean that they behave badly and are difficult to control.
unruly 手に負えない、まとまらない
6か月前の単語は amass 大量に集める https://himekurieitango.amass