今日の単語 unparalleled
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1.今日の単語は unparalleled です。パラレルはなじみがありますね。
Veterans of Afghanistan, Your Service Has Left a Lasting and Unparalleled Impact on This World – Over the past two decades, veterans, their fellow servicemembers and their families have sacrificed greatly while fulfilling their mission in Afghanistan. As our hearts ache for the future of the Afghan people and for our Afghan allies, we will work to see that this war is ended responsibly. As Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, we want each veteran to know that they not only have our support, but also our admiration and confidence for what they have achieved and what they will go on to achieve for our country. (from Jerry Moran, US senator for Kansas )
Jessica Long Is Unparalleled – Not yet 30, she has already racked up 23 swimming medals across four Paralympics. Now, with No. 5 at hand, she finally feels as if she has arrived. (from SI)
まだ30歳にも満たないジェシカさん。パラリンピックで23 個ものメダルを取っています。
They enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous rock band.
Germany’s unparalleled prosperity is based on wise investments.
賢い投資の結果が今の unparalleled な繁栄につながったということですね。
The study of ancient medicine over the last thirty years has developed to an extent unparalleled since the sixteenth century.
古代医療についてのここ30年の研究は、16世紀以来の発展を見せていてまさに unparalleled です。
having no equal; better or greater than any other:
If you describe something as unparalleled, you are emphasizing that it is, for example, bigger, better, or worse than anything else of its kind, or anything that has happened before.
unparalleled 無双の、前代未聞の
2か月前の単語は chafe http://himekurieitango/chafe