今日の単語 ulterior
U 0件のコメントulterior
1.今日の単語は ulterior です。interior, exterior, はなじみがありますね。ul- だとどんな意味になるでしょう。ネットから生きた例文を探してみましょう。
History shows ‘ulterior motives’ behind emergency declarations – Jomo – Behind every past emergency declarations, including the current state of emergency, there have been “ulterior motives” to further the aims of the government, said economist Prof Jomo Kwame Sundaram. Looking back at five past emergencies in Malaysia’s history, Jomo said vested interests had been a primary factor behind their declarations, above any reasons stated by the government. The first emergency declaration in 1948 against communist insurgency, Jomo said, was declared by the British to retain then Malaya as its prime colony. (from Malaysiakini)
マレーシアの歴史をもっと知らないと真意はわかりにくいのですが、behind their declarations にあるものを、ulterior motives と言っていますね。
His move with an ulterior motive misfired! – A member of the council of this city, where a prominent place of religious worship is located, drew a howl of protests when he moved a motion calling for the prohibition of sale of pork inside the city. This member from the Telephone party had moved the motion calling for a ban on the sale of pork when there were about 20 beef stalls already in operation in the city. His intention was winning the votes of a particular community, they say. The member who moved the motion withdrew it later when there was a noisy protest against it from the members including those from his own party. (from Daily Mirror Online)
move a motion は動議を提出する、という意味です。一定の住民から支持を得ようとして豚肉販売禁止を提案したんですね。やっぱり動機は純粋でなければ不発に終わるということでしょうか。ulterior motive はバレるものなのかも。
He claims he just wants to help Lisa but I doubt that he has an ulterior motive.
It’s hard not to feel like there is an ulterior motive for their selection, and people recognize that.
そもそも、ばれてしまうのが ulterior motive なんですね。
2.例文にでてくる ulterior はすべて motive とセットでした。意味もわかりましたね。念のため、英英辞典と英和辞典で意味の確認をしておきましょう。
a secret purpose or reason for doing something
hidden reason or secret
being beyond what is seen or avowed; intentionally kept concealed
coming at subsequent time or stage, future, further
lying beyond or outside of some specified or understood boundary; more remote
ulterior motive
ulterior purpose
4.類義語はありますが、やはり場面によっては、ulterior がぴったりですね。日本語の感覚と同じだと思います。
ambiguous, buried, concealed, convert, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, guarded, hidden, implied, obscured, remote, etc.
ulterior 隠れた