今日の単語 stunt
S 0件のコメントstunt
1.今日の単語は stunt です。スタントマンのスタントですが、もう一つの意味を覚えておきましょう。
KUALA LUMPUR: If you notice that your adolescent child appears smaller or shorter than his or her peers, then he or she may be going through linear growth faltering – an abnormally slow rate of gain in a child’s height or length that can lead to more serious growth issues like stunting. Although the stunting rate among Malaysian adolescents is relatively low, steps must be taken to address this issue as there is growing concern over the slow improvement in optimising the growth of children, said an expert in adolescent medicine. (from the Sun Daily)
Drought has stunted this year’s corn crop.
The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit.
High interest rates have stunted economic growth.
to slow or prevent the growth or development of someone or something:
If something stunts the growth or development of a person or thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as it should.
stunt 妨げる
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