今日の単語 spawn
S 0件のコメントspawn
1.今日は spawn すぽーん。どんな意味でしょうか。覚えやすいかも。
The AT&T-Discovery deal will spawn a company that goes by this name – The new company being formed by the merger of Discovery Inc. and AT&T Inc.’s WarnerMedia division will be called Warner Bros. Discovery, a name that pays homage to the founding brothers who launched the business nearly a century ago. (from the Dallas Morning News)
AT & T のメディア部門とDiscoveryが合併して新しい会社ができるのですね。
Air Force Opens Six More Miles of California’s Dry Creek for Salmon and Steelhead Spawn – Migratory steelhead and Chinook salmon have access to six more miles of historic spawning sites in a refurbished creek on California’s Beale Air Force Base. All thanks to a unique cooperative effort between the US. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) . Specialists from the two federal agencies removed a dam and completed a stream restoration project on Dry Creek, making it easier for native steelhead trout and Chinook salmon to migrate upstream for spawning in their traditional areas. (from Outdoor Life)
サケやマスの spawn のために。もともと破壊したのは人間でしょうけどね。migratory fish で回遊魚の意。
Spawning season underway for NC’s migratory fish – This time each year, rivers and streams throughout coastal North Carolina are teeming with migratory fish during their annual spawning run. River herring, Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon and American eel are among those moving upriver. Early last year, we brought you stories on two additional migratory species found in coastal North Carolina waters: striped bass and American shad. (from Coastal Review. org.)
The new economic freedom has spawned hundreds of new small businesses.
Salmon swim up rivers and streams to spawn.
the eggs of fish, frogs, etc.
to lay eggs
a young animal or child
to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly
to produce eggs
spawn 産卵する、発生する