今日の単語 reticent
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1.今日の単語は reticent どのような意味か例文からまず予想してみましょう。
Democrats Urge Reticent Biden to ‘Go Big’ on Health, Drug Prices, – Lawmakers want to hitch health bills to infrastructure measure – White House sidesteps backing care expansion ideas. Democrats are urging the White House to include their health policy ideas in the next phase of President Joe Biden’s infrastructure package, hoping to gain an edge over colleagues with competing plans. Congressional leaders, top senators, and rank-and-file Democrats say they’ve put in calls or visits to the White House this week plugging their legislation to broaden health insurance, expand Medicare, or lower drug prices. Biden has kept quiet on whether he plans to include health care as part of the next phase of his infrastructure plan, which has left some lawmakers fearful it’s being left out. (from Bloomberg)
‘Let’s Talk About Hard Things’ makes a compelling case that we should – This book may be the most useful for the supremely reticent and emotionally risk-averse among us, those who need much persuasion to utter uncomfortable truths. If you’re already at ease with vulnerability and only need an occasional nudge or recalibration, you can still benefit, but many of the assertions may strike you as obvious. (from the Washington Post, book review)
極めて reticent な人 や感情的なリスク回避をする人にこの本がおすすめされています。
Fruits Basket: It’s Tohru’s Time to Heal – and Kyo’s Time to Hurt – Fruits Basket: The Final Season Episode 6 offers major catharsis for Tohru as she opens up to Kyo — but Kyo’s most horrifying memories get triggered. Throughout Fruits Basket, Tohru Honda has always been there to help her friends face their traumas, but she’s always been reticent to seek help and open up about her own issues. As the anime’s final season approaches its midpoint, Tohru makes a major breakthrough, revealing to Kyo the ways her polite and helpful nature masks her deepest insecurities. (from CBR.com)
フルーツバスケットというアニメの登場人物を、いつも reticent と言っています。
unwilling to speak about your thoughts or feeling
disposed to be silent or not to speak freely
reluctant, restrained
reticent 話したがらない