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今日の単語 rash or rush
ラッシュと聞いたらどちらを思い浮かべますか。rash or rush? 見た目も意味も似ていますが、ニュアンスがことなる二つの単語。まとめて覚えておきたいです。
Understanding the Difference Between “Rash” and “Rush”
まずは RASH
Rash can describe actions that are done hastily without careful consideration, often leading to negative consequences.
RASH は注意深く考慮せずに急いで行う行動を指し、しばしば悪い結果につながることが多い。
“Making a rash promise can lead to disappointment.”
“His rash decision to quit his job left him unemployed for months.”
“Don’t make a rash decision you’ll regret later.”
つぎに RUSH
Rush refers to moving or doing something quickly, often due to a lack of time.
“I had to rush to catch the last train home.”
“She had to rush through her homework to join her friends.”
Sudden Increase: Rush can also indicate a sudden movement or influx, like a rush of water or a rush of people.
“There was a rush of customers when the store opened its doors.”
“There was a rush of excitement when the announcement was made.”
Rash と Rush の比較という意味では上記ですが、rash については皮膚関連の意味もあります。以前とりあげていますので、ご興味があれば覗いてみて下さい。