今日の単語 Propensity
P 0件のコメントPropensity
【音節】pro・pen・si・ty 【発音記号】prəpénsəṭi
Study shows why children of obese mothers have propensity to develop metabolic diseases. (News Medical Life Science より)
Thomas had a propensity to blame others when things went wrong, so we were surprised when he took full responsibility for the mistake.
2. 次に英英辞典の説明を見てみましょう
the fact that someone is likely to behave in a particular way, especially in a bad way.
a tendency to behave in a particular way
a natural inclination or tendency
3. では、英和辞典の説明も確認しておきましょう。
4.Collocation は色々ありそうですので、できるだけご紹介します。
Even as a child, he exhibited a propensity to read a lot.
He has a propensity for exaggeration.
egocentric propensity 自己中心的な性向
the evil propensities of human nature 人間性にひそむ悪
Some breeds of dogs have been preserved especially for their fighting propensities. 一部の犬種はその戦闘的な習性を利用するために保存されてきた。
a general propensity to avoid hard work 骨の折れる仕事を避けようとする一般的な傾向
He is aware of his genetic propensities. 彼は自分の遺伝的な性癖に気が付いている。
a high propensity 強い傾向
incurable propensity for gambling. 治しようのない賭博癖
people with a low propensity to save 貯蓄しようとする傾向があまり見られない人たち
a propensity among shoppers not to take goods from the bottom shelf 下の棚から商品を取らない買い物客に見られる傾向
a propensity for heavy drinking 大酒の癖
a high propensity of subjectivity in interpretation of the statutes 法律の解釈に主観が入り込む強い傾向
Her propensity toward wonder and adventure was growing constantly. 驚きや冒険に対する彼女の傾向はつのっていった。
5. 最後にニュース記事からの例文を追加します。
Melanoma is an aggressive cancer type, with a high propensity for invasion and metastasis early in the disease process. (from News Medical Life Science)
Economic expectations, income expectations and propensity to buy fell in January (from Market Watch)
Which came first: brain size or drinking propensity? (from Washington University in Saint Louis)
1日前の単語は ecstatic, 1週間前は spurious でした。
今日の単語 Ecstatic – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
今日の単語 Spurious – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)