今日の単語 prevaricate
P 0件のコメントprevaricate
1. 今日の単語は prevaricate です。pre + varicate と思うと想像しやすいか、、
EDITORIAL: Children have spoken, we must act resolutely – These are serious challenges that the government and its partners as well as the general public must deal with head-on. We can no longer prevaricate or simply wish these problems away. The children have spoken unequivocally and we must act resolutely, in terms of advocacy and raising awareness, crime prevention and justice delivery, as well as scaling up childcare, counselling, mentorship and other key services where there are gaps. (from The New Times)
ルワンダの子供たちについての問題。子供たちもはっきりと声を上げている。もう prevaricate したり問題がただなくなるように願うだけではだめなんです。
Spectral, shapeshifting predators stalk Rachel, the glass artist at the centre of Australian writer Inga Simpson’s fourth novel. Set in the aftermath of bushfires and pandemic, The Last Woman in the World layers precise nature writing with a conspiratorial tone for our times, turning in a gripping apocalyptic thriller that infects the sublime features of the landscape with primal fear. – A confluence of fear presses down on Rachel, as indeed it has been pressing down on us all in a world assaulted by global heating, bushfires, pandemic and enforced isolation, while politicians prevaricate on demonstrating leadership. (from the Guardian)
He accused the minister of prevaricating.
After months of prevarication, the political decision had at last been made.
Indeed, rather than doing anything, it is prevaricating and stretching matters out so that none of the recommendations is implemented.
to avoid telling the truth or saying exactly what you think:
If you prevaricate, you avoid giving a direct answer or making a firm decision.
to speak or act falsely or evasively with intent to deceive
prevaricate うそをつく、言葉を濁す
9か月前の単語は thwart 阻止する, 食い止める https://himekurieintango.thwart