今日の単語 presage
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1.今日の単語は presage です。ポジティブ?ネガティブ?まずは例文から。
Growing China Taiwan tension: Developments presage a grim picture – It is reported that the current tension between China and Taiwan is at its highest. China is not only sending a large number of aircraft into the Taiwanese Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) but has also upgraded military bases facing Taiwan. The deployment around Taiwan has been increased to threatening levels. Photographs captured of Longtian, Hunan, and Zhangzhou bases indicate major construction activities are going on, which include extensions of minor runways. Expansion of runway aprons and storage bunkers have been observed. (from The Times of India)
AMD Stock Could Be Hurt When Chip Shortage Ends, Says Analyst – It may be hard to believe right now, but chip shortages will not last forever. In fact, Northland Securities analyst Gus Richard on Monday went so far as to argue in a research note that slowing growth in semiconductor unit demand in 2022 will presage excess capacity in 2023. (from the Barron’s Daily)
But still the economy is not showing signs of any of the excesses that normally presage a recession.
不景気の presage とは
The dawn’s loud chorus that seemed to presage a bright hot summer’s day.
to show or suggest that something, often something unpleasant, will happen
If something presages a situation or event, it is considered to be a warning or sign of what is about to happen.
presage 前兆、予感
3カ月前の単語は ensuing ~に続く