今日の単語 postulate
P 0件のコメントpostulate
1. 今日は postulate をとりあげます。例文から見てみましょう。
Gum disease linked with new onset heart disease – “We postulate that the damage of periodontal tissues in people with gum disease may facilitate the transfer of germs into the bloodstream. This could accelerate harmful changes to the blood vessels and/or enhance systemic inflammation that is harmful to the vessels.” Dr. Ferrannini concluded: “It is important to underline that the quality of care in Sweden is high, as confirmed by the overall low number of total events during follow-up. Despite this, gum disease was linked with an elevated likelihood of cardiovascular disease or death.” (from European Society of Cariology)
UNIONIST commentators repeatedly postulate all manner of technical difficulties that an independent Scotland would face, the implication being that the whole process would be just too difficult and not worth doing. Quite why this would be more difficult than the Nightmare on Brexit Street has been, and continues to be, is never made clear. (from the National)
スコットランドの独立について。unionist は独立に反対の人達です。独立した場合どんな困難が待ち受けているのかを postulate するコメンテーター。
It was the Greek astronomer, Ptolemy, who postulated that the earth was at the center of the universe.
地球が宇宙の中心だと postulate した。
Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct.
人間には死に対する直観も生に対する直観もあるとフロイドは postulate した。
to suggest a theory, idea, etc. as a basic principle from which a further idea is formed or developed.
If you postulate something, you suggest it as the basis for a theory, argument, or calculation, or assume that it is the basis.
postulate ~と仮定する
7か月前の単語は emancipate https://himekurieitango/emancipate 解放する