今日の単語 plant milk
P 0件のコメントplant milk/ plant-based milk
今日の単語は plant milk です。植物ミルク。わかりそうですけど、新しい言葉。
a liquid similar to milk made from, for example, nuts, rice, or oats (= a type of grain)
any of several beverages produced from plants such as almond, rice, or soya
Fake milks are failing to quench the thirst for real thing – The big investment in plant-based milk has so far failed to dampen demand for dairy. An explosion of new products which call themselves milk – particularly nuts and soy – are not making the consumer inroads many of their makers claim. The dairy industry says only two per cent of Australian households are regularly buying plant-based milk. But lots more fake milks are in the pipeline, hoping science will provide the breakthrough to replicate actual cow’s milk. (from Farm online)
国によっても違うとは思いますが、酪農が盛んなオーストラリアではまだまだのようです。fake milk とまで呼ばれているとは。。。
What to consider when shopping for plant-based milk alternatives - Plant-based milk alternatives, aka nondairy “milks,” are everywhere. Should you swap them for the cow’s milk in your grocery cart or in your morning latte? That depends. Some people choose milk alternatives because they don’t consume animal foods or because they have a milk allergy or are intolerant to lactose, the natural sugar in milk. However, others reach for nondairy options because they believe they are healthier than cow’s milk. That’s not necessarily true. The six most popular plant-based milks are almond, oat, soy, coconut, pea and rice. They’re made by soaking the main ingredient then pressing out and straining the liquid, and don’t necessarily contain the same nutrients as cow’s milk, which is naturally rich in protein, calcium, potassium and B vitamins. Whole milk naturally contains vitamin A, an essential fat-soluble vitamin, while low-fat and skim milks are typically vitamin A-fortified. Most brands of cow’s milk are also fortified with vitamin D, which is challenging to get naturally from food. (from the Seattle Times)
Plant-based milks are becoming more and more popular.
Oat milk is my favourite plant milk.
plant milk 植物性ミルク
1カ月前の単語は haulier 運送会社 https://himekurieitango.haulier