今日の単語 overtly
O 0件のコメントovertly
今日の単語は overtly です。意味は、、、
in a way that is done or shown publicly or in an obvious way and not secret
openly; publicly
covertly の逆の意味ですね。例文を確認しておきましょう。
He never overtly expressed his feelings about the issue.
Is the welcome to Ukrainian refugees unusually generous — or overtly racist? The invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing flow of refugees into neighbouring countries has caused some western media to ask in horror how this could happen to “relatively civilized” people with “blonde hair and blue eyes” looking “like any European family that you would live next door to. These comments have rightfully been criticized by scholars, activists and other media outlets that have called out the double standards of news organizations and politicians. Ukrainians throwing Molotov cocktails are hailed as freedom fighters, but non-white populations experiencing conflict — like Afghans, Syrians and Yemenis — are treated with far less generosity and are frequently labelled as criminals, terrorists or economic migrants abusing generous asylum systems. ” (from The Conversation)
War on overtly loud vehicles now underway in New York. As most of the world is making a transition into noiseless EVs, there are still some of us that enjoy the rasp of fossil fuels being spewed out of the exhaust system of an ICE. Well, a new automated camera-based system could now be fining New Yorkers with overtly loud vehicles. New York is commonly known as the city that never sleeps but a recent initiative by Governor Kathy Hochul looks to change this and curb noise pollution in the vast metropolis. In September of 2021 she passed the SLEEP bill into state law which raised fines for excessively loud exhausts between $150 to $1000. While this is the highest in the USA, it also makes the most sense since the vast majority of the population live within earshot of a road or street. (from Car)
overtly 公然と、あからさまに
1年前の単語は paltry わずかな、くだらない https://himeurieitango.paltry