今日の単語 morbidity
M 0件のコメントmorbidity
今日の単語は morbidity です。まずは辞書から見てみましょう
the morbidity of a disease is how many people have it in a particular population
the fact of being too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death
the state of being morbid
Smoking during pregnancy increases risk of infant long-term ocular morbidity: research – According to a comprehensive study conducted by the center and Ben Gurion University, smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of childhood ocular disease by 40 percent, compared to children born to mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy. The finding was based on the observation of 250,000 newborns, the study said. (from Xinhua)
Trends in morbidity and mortality of extremely preterm infants in the United States – Study Rundown: Although modern practices and treatment guidelines have greatly reduced mortality and morbidity in extremely preterm infants, on-going review of neonatal outcomes is needed to develop care strategies, guide interventions, and ultimately improve survival and quality of life outcomes. (from two minute medicine)
morbidity 罹患率、病気状態
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