今日の単語 misgiving
M 0件のコメントmisgiving
1.一見とても簡単そうな単語。mis + giving ならあの意味かな?と想像するのとちょっと違う。一般的な日本人にはたぶん落とし穴的な単語です。
As an ex-Covid vaccine guinea pig, I’m relieved to have had my first jab – I took part in the Novavax trial and I had been worrying I would not be allowed an authorised vaccine. – I’m in my 70s, so I was offered an authorised vaccine in January. I asked to be “unblinded” – that is, told whether I had been given the trial vaccine or a placebo. I had had the live vaccine, so, with much misgiving, I turned down the authorised vaccine. (from the Guardian)
It is with misgiving that we see our country locked up in this racial divisive social upheaval. Now these social liberal racial activists want to have our school children be taught a study called “Critical Race Theory.” Theory, by definition is an assumption, here we have biased racial activists assuming we have Critical Racial problems in our schools, I say in God we trust, all else bring factual evidence of this. Absent that put all that racial divisive propaganda ploy to bed. Our children should be taught reading, writing and arithmetic, not hateful divisive racial fiction. (from the Leader Herald)
人種差別問題やそれに伴う社会の混乱に misgiving を持っています、という読者からの手紙。
Cachar ranks second in COVID vaccination in Assam Cachar district sets the second highest record for the second day in a row for vaccinating 20,238 people in the district on Wednesday.
This will also keep people immunised against the possible third wave called Delta plus variant. Besides, as medical experts are of the opinion that two doses of vaccination will make a person 95% safe in case he gets infected by Corona. His inbuilt immunisation can easily make him well protected. This has also been clinically proved. The district administration of Cachar has been carrying out campaign in urban and rural areas involving the MLAs of the 7 constituencies to dispel any misgiving and misconception about getting vaccinated. The response is quite encouraging. (from the Sentinel)
コロナワクチン接種の推進。misigiving(不安) やmisconception (誤解)を払いのけるようなキャンペーンをしてきました。
Many teachers expressed serious misgivings about the new tests.
My only misgiving is that we might not have enough time to do the job well.
She had some misgivings about what she was about to do.
a feeling of doubt or worry about a future event
a feeling of doubt, uncertainty, or worry about a future event
if you have misgivings about something that is being suggested or done, you feel that it is not quite right, and are worried it may have unwanted results.
apprehension, distrust
misgiving 不安、心もとない、懸念