今日の単語 Mire
M 0件のコメントmire
1. まずはいつものように例文から意味を想像してみましょう
Myanmar Mire: Democracy Under Fire (from the Diplomat)
Republic of Queues – Millions of people are wallowing in the mire of privation, and a majority of households can barely scrape together enough to secure their next meal. (from the Stateman)
2. あまりよくない事を表しているようですね。英英辞典の説明をみてみましょう。
a tract or area of wet, swampy ground; bog; marsh, ground of this kind, as wet, simply soil or some depth or deep mud
to plunge and fix in mire; cause to stick fast in mire
to involve; entangle
to soil with mire; bespatter with mire
an area of wet, deep and sticky earth
3. ああ、あれですね。ああいう場所。日本語も念のため確認してみましょう
4. 使い方も気になりますね。collocation と一緒にみておきましょう
push a company into the financial mire ある会社を財政的窮地に陥れる
political mire 政治的な泥沼
extricate oneself from the mire 窮地を脱する
fall into the mire 沼地にはまり込む
drag someone through the mire 人の名を汚す、人の顔に泥を塗る
He is deeply mired in debt. 彼は借金の泥沼に深くはまり込んでいる。
He stood helplessly mired in confusion. 混乱の沼にはまり込んで手も足も出なかった
Nothing is more annoying than to get mired in this sort of problem. この種の問題にはまり込むほど厄介なことはない。
5. 追加の例文~
The cart’s wheels sank in the red mire.
At that time the broad outlines of rebuilding were still deeply mired in contention.
We must not be drawn into the mire of civil war.
At that time the broad outlines of rebuilding were still deeply mired in contention.
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