今日の単語 Menial
M 0件のコメントMenial
【音節】me・ni・al 【発音記号】míːniəl
Medical students in London have demanded an immediate end to their “compulsory” reassignment covering “menial” tasks that would usually be undertaken by nurses and healthcare assistants. (from nursing notes)
Fan is one of them. Married, father of an infant daughter, he left home figuring on working hard abroad for a few years to build up savings on which to found a solid livelihood. Menial work in Japan, he’d heard, pays some 150,000 yen a month, as against an average Vietnamese monthly wage of 30,000 yen. (from Japan Today)
2. 次に英英辞典の説明です
used to describe work that does not need any skills and is badly paid and often boring.
servile, submissive
pertaining to or suitable for domestic servants; humble
a domestic servant
3. 次に英和辞典の説明です
base, boring, common, humdrum, low, mean, routine, etc.
humdrum: 月並みな、平凡な
Forum: Carry out independent survey on elderly folk doing menial work (from The Straits Times)
No job is menial: Calls for change in mindset to tackle unemployment (from the Morning Express)
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今日の単語 Propensity – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
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今日の単語 Extrapolate – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)
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今日の単語 Rustle – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)