今日の単語 mar
M 0件のコメントmar
1.今日の単語 mar 3月 March の省略ではありません。mar はどんな意味でしょうか。まずはニュースから例文を見てみます。
Short Hanover Area Zoom meeting marred by sound problems – HANOVER TWP. — With COVID-19 surging in Luzerne County the Hanover Area School board opted to return to holding Tuesday’s monthly meeting via Zoom, but several people commented in messages and verbally about the board comments being difficult to hear. (from Times Leader)
オンライン会議がうまくいかない。音声に問題があったようです。せっかくの会議が mar されました。
Japan’s Paralympics joy marred by COVID anxiety as surging cases fill hospital beds – Tokyo — The 13-day Tokyo Paralympics was in full swing Monday, featuring a record number of disabled athletes — more than 4,400 this year — competing in over 500 events. The U.S. was ranking third in the medals table. To many people in Japan, however, the massive sporting event may as well be taking place in a parallel universe. The Paralympics have been playing out as Japan grapples with one of its worst COVID-19 surges since the pandemic began. (from CBS)
過去最高の参加アスリート数を記録したパラリンピック。盛り上がりと同時に、コロナ感染者数は最悪に。パラリンピック大会の喜びは mar されました。
Beauty spots marred by overhead power lines are getting £175K landscaping grant – A three year landscape and nature restoration project has started on Leckhampton Hill, Charlton Kings Common, and Ravensgate Common thanks to a £174,776 grant from the National Grid’s Landscape Enhancement Initiative. “This exciting project will encourage wildflower growth, provide richer food sources for wildlife, reveal views not seen since the 1960s, and restore the original dry stone wall along the boundary next to the Cotswold Way, off Hartley Lane,” said a Cheltenham Borough Council spokesperson. “The funding from the National Grid LEI scheme is designed to reduce the possible visual adverse impact that major power lines may have on the landscape through which they pass. (from Glos News)
電線で mar されている絶景ポイント。補助金をもらって改善するそう。
Sadly, the text is marred by careless errors.
It was a really nice day, marred only by a little argument in the car on the way home.
とても楽しい一日だったのに、帰りの車でのちょっとした喧嘩で mar されてしまった。
I hope the fact that Louise isn’t coming won’t mar your enjoyment of the evening.
to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable:
To mar something means to spoil or damage it.
to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil
mar 台無しにする
7か月前の単語は erratic