今日の単語 lurch
L 0件のコメントlurch
1.今日の単語は lurch です。まずは例文から!
Komodo dragon and various shark species lurch toward extinction – (from the Japan Times)
コモドドラゴンやサメの仲間たち、絶滅に lurch forward している。
As Angela Merkel leaves the stage, is Germany facing a lurch to the Left?
メルケル首相が去り、ドイツは左派に lurch するか?
Lionel Messi Escapes Horrific Tackle In Argentina’s World Cup Qualifying Game – Martinez jumped into the tackle late and slammed his studs into the top of Messi’s shin, causing the forward to lurch forward and drop to the floor in agony. The potential “leg breaker” occurred in the first half of the 3-1 Argentina win. (from the WILL)
フォワードを lurch forward した。
Pandemic has left youth in the lurch (from the Daily Star)
少しニュアンスは変わりますが、leave someone in the lurch.
We seem to lurch from crisis to crisis.
次から次へとやってくる危機で lurch しっぱなし。
She just lurches from one bad relationship to another.
The train lurched forward and some of the people standing fell over.
2. では、英英辞典と英和辞典の意味を確認しておきましょう。
to move in a way that is not regular or normal, especially making sudden movements backwards or forwards or from side to side
to act or continue in a way that is uncontrolled and not regular, often with sudden changes:
lurch よろめく、窮地
2か月前の単語は elusive https://himekurieitango/elusive