今日の単語 legit
L 0件のコメントlegit
1.今日の単語は legit です。英検1級レベルの単語を取り扱うのがこのサイトなのですが、この単語はどうかな、、、ちょっと不明です。仕事の打ち合わせで出てきたので、ちょっとのぞいてみようかな、と思います。
Bitcoin Trader Review 2021: Is Bitcoin Trader Really Legit? If you are looking for the most profitable way to trade bitcoin, the Bitcoin Trader app could be your best bet. This platform is a viral trend today and is reportedly the most revolutionary automated bitcoin trading tool. Thousands of users are coming forward and rating this platform extremely well. Bitcoin Trader could turn your small investment into a million dollars within months or compounding the daily profits. But is it legit, and is there proof of its profitability? Please read our review to learn the facts about this auto-trading system. (from Economy Watch)
ビットコインのお話。爆発的に人気が出ている取引用のアプリ。legit なの?
6 genius makeup hacks that will legit change your life- There’s truly nothing worse than losing that extra bit of precious sleep time in order to do your makeup of a morning. (from the Brag)
メイクアップのコツ6つ。これは legit に人生変えるよ。
I am not getting involved in this fundraising schemes if it is not legit.
legit でなかったら、このファンドレイジングには参加しない。
He was legit driving his car with all the doors open.
全部のドアを開けたまま運転してたんだ。legit で。
legitimate, allowed by law or done according to the rules of an organization or activity
used to mean “actually” when you want to say that you think something is very surprising or difficult to believe.
legit マジで、本物の