今日の単語 inter
I 0件のコメントinter
1.今日の単語は inter です。international のinter でしょうか?まずは例文を見てみましょう。
Cremated remains must be interred, Church reminds faithful – The Catholic Church has reminded the families of the departed, whose remains have been cremated, not to keep the urn at home. While the Church allows cremation, the urn containing the remains of the departed must be interred as soon as possible, the Church said. (from Manila Bulletin)
これは興味深い。。。日本でも火葬のあと、お家で遺骨をしばらく持っている方はいらっしゃいますよね。urn が骨壺。
Civil War veteran interred in Plattsmouth Saturday -A Civil War veteran is finally finding his resting place in Plattsmouth over a hundred years after his death. On Saturday, veterans, active service members and the community all came out to pay their respects. (from KETV)
内戦で犠牲になった方々、ようやく inter されました。
Many of the soldiers were interred in unmarked graves.
無名戦士の墓、にたくさんの兵士が inter されました。
Your dreams may be interred by social expectations and the demands of maturity.
to bury a dead body
When a dead person is interred, they are buried.
to place (a dead body) in a grave or tomb; bury.
to put into the earth.
to forget or remove from consideration; abandon:
inter 葬る、埋葬する
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