今日の単語 impulse buying

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今日は見てそのままの意味ですが、衝動買い、です。impulse は、衝動、はずみ、勢い、ですね。単語が名詞の場合は意味が単純明快であることが多いですが、どのように説明されているか?どのように使われているか?を確認してみるのがオススメです。英語で文章を作る力をつけるのにとても役立ちます。


What is Impulse Buying?
Have you ever walked into a store to buy one specific item and walked out with a basket full of things you never planned to buy? If so, you’ve experienced impulse buying!

Impulse buying is when you make an unplanned purchase on the spur of the moment. It happens when something catches your eye, and you decide to buy it without thinking it through or considering if you really need it. It’s driven by emotion and immediate desire rather than a practical need.


The Grocery Store Trap:
You go to the grocery store to buy milk. As you walk past the snack aisle, you see a bag of chips with a new flavor you’ve never tried before. Suddenly, that bag of chips is in your cart. Oh, and those cookies look good too. And why not grab some candy? You leave the store with everything except mi


The Online Shopping Black Hole:
You’re browsing online for a new phone case. Somehow, you end up with a cart full of items, including a portable blender, a yoga mat, and a set of novelty socks that say “If you can read this, bring me pizza.” You didn’t know you needed these things until you saw them, but now you can’t imagine life without them!


The Seasonal Sales Seduction:
It’s the end of summer, and stores are having huge clearance sales on swimsuits. You find yourself buying three new swimsuits, even though you only went to the mall to get a new pair of shoes for work. Winter is coming, but you just couldn’t resist those bargains!


衝動買いに陥りがちなシチュエーションは?Why Do We Impulse Buy?

Sales and Discounts: Limited-time offers can create a sense of urgency, making us feel like we have to buy now or miss out. やはりセールですね。今買わなきゃ!という焦りを誘います。

Product Placement: Items placed near checkout counters are designed to tempt us while we wait. レジ横というのは衝動買いを誘う鉄板の一等地。レジを待っている間は危険。

Emotional State: Shopping when you’re happy, stressed, or bored can lead to unplanned purchases as a way to boost your mood. 機嫌がいい時、ストレスがたまっているとき、退屈な時はいずれも予定外の買い物をしがち。

どうしたら衝動買いを防げるか?How to Curb Impulse Buying

Make a Shopping List: Stick to your list and avoid aisles that contain items you don’t need. 


Set a Budget: Decide how much you’re willing to spend before you start shopping.


Wait Before Buying: Give yourself a cooling-off period before making a purchase. If you still want it after a day or two, then consider buying it.


Remember, impulse buying can be fun and sometimes brings unexpected joy, but being aware of it can help you make smarter shopping decisions! Happy learning, and watch out for those tempting treats at the checkout!




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