今日の単語 impervious
I 0件のコメントimpervious
1.今日の単語は impervious です。どんなイメージが浮かびますか。では例文を見てみましょう。
Warm air, more rain and more floods: the new normal – Compounding the flooding is the proliferation of impervious surfaces like asphalt and concrete. As more of New Jersey is paved over, fewer places are left for water to be absorbed into the ground. As Ida proved, excessive storm runoff can quickly turn deadly. (from Central Jersey. com)
アスファルトやコンクリートのような impervious な路面が増えて洪水に。
Conspiracy theories stubbornly impervious to scientific method – Conspiracy theories abound in today’s world: who killed JFK, who killed Princess Diana, “cover-up” of alien landings, “fake” Apollo moon landings, Covid-19 conspiracy theories, “new world order” conspiracy theories, the disturbing American QAnon phenomenon, and many more. A surprising number and diversity of people subscribe to conspiracy theories and it would be very unwise either to ignore or to patronise this phenomenon. In the context of this article a conspiracy theory rejects the standard explanation for an event and credits a covert group with carrying out a secret plot. Usually the “conspiracy” rests on little or no standard evidence. (from the Irish Times)
こういう話を日本語で何というのでしょうか。都市伝説?信じる者たちはサイエンスなんてものには impervious です。
US oil output to climb again despite restraint of big shale drillers – Privately held producers set to lead the way on expected 800,000 b/d increase in 2022 – US oil production is set to pick up steam again — this time led by little-known privately owned companies impervious to the demands of the stock market. (from Financial Times)
市場の需要に impervious
How does glue bond with impervious substances like glass and metal?
ガラスや金属は impervious な素材。
He is impervious to criticism and rational argument.
批判や人種的な言い分に対して彼は impervious でいられる。
not allowing liquid to go through:
If someone is impervious to something,they are not influenced or affected by something:
impervious 影響されない
8か月前の単語は spurious 偽の