今日の単語 Imminent
I 0件のコメントImminent
【音節】im・mi・nent 【発音記号】ímənənt
1.まずは imminent の意味を例文から想像してみましょう
Third lockdown in France may be imminent as Covid-19 cases surge (from France 24)
Is inflation imminent? Will Chinese gain advantage from Biden efforts?
2. 次に英英辞典の説明を読んでみましょう
coming or likely to happen at any moment
(especially something unpleasant )likely to happen soon
3. 念のため、英和辞典も確認します。
forthcoming, immediate, impending, inevitable, likely, looming, possible, probable, unavoidable
looming はぼんやりしたことに対して使うようです。不気味な感じで迫ってくるものに使う
5. 例文をもっと読んでおきましょう
A rain storm was imminent
He gave a dire warning that an enemy missile attack was imminent.
Impress upon them the necessity of making a crop, or famine is imminent throughout the South. (from Dixie After the War by Myrta Lockett Avary)
1週間前の単語は pseudo でした
今日の単語 Pseudo – ほぼ、日めくり英単語 (himekurieitango.com)