今日の単語 gung ho
G 0件のコメントgung ho
今日の単語は gung ho 英語としては面白い音に感じます。まずは意味を確認してみましょう。
extremely enthusiastic about doing something, especially going to war:
If you say that someone is gung ho, you mean that they are very enthusiastic or eager to do something, for example to fight in a battle.
The film stars Mark Burgess-Ashton as the gung-ho young fighter pilot.
その映画では、やる気にみなぎるパイロット役としてマーク バーガスアシュトンが配役された
He has warned some of his more gung ho generals about the consequences of an invasion.
English health chiefs urge Johnson not be to be ‘gung-ho’ with COVID plan – LONDON, Feb 18 (Reuters) – English medical leaders on Friday urged Boris Johnson not to be too “gung-ho” with the nation’s health when he moves to end all pandemic restrictions with his plan to live with COVID-19 next week. (from Reuters)
Joe Biden’s gung-ho State of the Union speech – t’s arguably not the right moment to focus on Joe Biden’s verbal slips, but it is a little unnerving when the leader of the free world says ‘Iranians’ — or possibly ‘Uranians’ — when he means to say ‘Ukrainians’. These are dangerous times and we need politicians to speak clearly. Still, Biden got in his point across in his State of the Union address. He announced that he was closing US air space to Russian aircraft. He led a standing ovation for the Ukrainian ambassador to the US, Oksana Markarova. He said that Putin is ‘now more isolated from the world than he has ever been’. (from The Spectator)
gung-ho やる気満々の、好戦的な
1年前の単語は acrimonious 辛辣な https://himekurieitango.arimonious