今日の単語 flagellate
F 0件のコメントflagellate
今日の単語は flagellate です。辞書にはどのように書かれているでしょうか。
to whip yourself or someone else, especially as a religious act
to whip; scourge; flog
How is anyone getting any work done in woke Britain? The fear of causing offence in the workplace means we’re all self-flagellating and being unproductive. Imagine if this column broke off mid-flow because I had to go and “work on myself”. Because becoming a Better Human Being – one who was aware of my unconscious bias and privilege, fully inclusionary and 100 per cent healthy, inside and out – was more important than any article, level of productivity or job. … (from the Telegraph)
There’s a Better Way to Make Resolutions – I gave up on traditional resolutions a few years ago, knowing that they just put me in a self-flagellating, compulsive headspace. But as a goal-oriented control freak with witchy inclinations, I still engage in a lot of rituals at the end of the year, weighing up everything that’s passed and what I’d like to do more or less of in the New Year. Life coaches and other experts in more spiritual fields call what I do intention-setting, a practice that’s more about identifying broader values and goals than holding yourself to strict definitions of self-improvement. The difference, says Berg, is that intentions are about “being” while resolutions are about “doing.” “Goals exist at a set point in the future. Intentions exist here and now. If your resolution is about transformation and growth, it’s also an intention.” Intentions, then, are ongoing — you can’t tick them off a to-do list. (from The Cut)
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