今日の単語 emulate
E 0件のコメントemulate
1.今日の単語は emulate です。わたしだけでしょうか。何のイメージもわいてこないです。。。笑 では、ネットから例文を探してみます。
REPEAT PERFORMANCE Chelsea needed to emulate fight and spirit of 2012 Champions League win… and did it without question against Man City – We needed to emulate our underdog story from 2012 if we were going to repeat the triumph against Manchester City on Saturday night. (from the SUN)
サッカーの話ですね。2012年のチャンピオンシップの spirit と fight を emulate する必要があって、なんなくやり遂げた。優勝したということは、、
Covid-19: Emulate US, UK in bringing cases down through vaccination — economist – KUALA LUMPUR (May 27): Malaysia needs to emulate the United States and the United Kingdom which have managed to significantly reduce Covid-19 cases through at least one dose of vaccine to 50% of their citizens. (from the Edge Markets)
Pentagon, NATO Demonstrate Transparency Officials Want Russia to Emulate – “We’re going to continue to share with you as often as we can, how this exercise is going, because we believe that transparency is important and it’s also critical to helping avoid any misunderstandings and miscalculations,” Kirby said. Compare this transparency with Russia’s recent snap “exercise” to Crimea and along its’ border with Ukraine. The Russians deployed well over 100,000 personnel to the area with not a scintilla of explanation. Despite repeated questions from European and U.S. leaders, the Russians said little about what they were deploying or — more important — why they were deploying troops and capabilities to the region. (from US DEPT of Defense)
NATO は透明性を重視している。一方でロシアは、、、emulate して!
He just wants to emulate his dad.
Officials are looking to emulate successful ideas from the other cities.
成功例を emulate する。良いことです。
to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have
to copy someone’s behavior or try to be like someone else because you admire or respect that person
to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
to rival with some degree of success
if you emulate someone or something, you imitate them because you admire them with a great deal.
emulate 競う、見習う