今日の単語 empty nester
E 0件のコメントempty nester
someone whose children have grown up and no longer live at home
a married person whose children have grown up and left home
If you’re an empty nester looking to downsize, Mike Hines from the Oyler Hines Group at Coldwell Banker has some helpful tips. Hines says he works with empty nesters every day and they are often looking to get out of their two-story homes and into something a little smaller with single-story living once the kids fly the coop. (from Local 12)
How to deal with empty nest syndrome at Christmas – When the kids aren’t home for Christmas, it’s not easy. The festive season is often seen as a time for family and friends, with back-to-back TV adverts showing people tucking into turkey dinners and enjoying mince pies together. So when you’re home alone without extended family, things can seem too quiet – making what should be a joyous time feel lonely. “Empty nest syndrome is a phenomenon rather than a psychiatric label. It specifically refers to the time when a family’s last child leaves home on their road towards independence,” says Counselling Directory member Erica Spencer Green. “The term empty nest syndrome has been around for decades and is an interesting metaphor for this particular time in family life. When we think about it literally, a nest is a place where eggs are laid, chicks hatch, and then fledge,” she explains. (from Patient)
empty nest/nester 症候群まであるんですね。確かに子供が巣立った後は寂しいかもしれないですね。
empty nester
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