今日の単語 eloquent
E 0件のコメントeloquent
1. 今日の単語は eloquent です。まずは例文から意味を想像してみましょう
Silence can be eloquent – I admire people who only speak when they have something meaningful to say. I’m from the opposite school of thought: We must leave no thought unexpressed! I’m so busy talking I’m usually the last person to finish the meal. Lately, though, I’ve learned the eloquence of silence. (from Forest Park Review)
Avoid These 5 Filler Words to Sound More Charming and Confident – These are the public-speaking habits that listeners find appealing. So, let’s talk about, uh, you know, those words that make you sound, I mean, unprofessional, right? Filler words and phrases (um, you know, like) make you sound unprofessional and less credible. Now according to a British psychologist, filler words make will make you less charming as well. Dr. Richard Reid says charismatic people use language differently–they are considered eloquent and articulate. Reid says that “vocalized pauses” (filler words) will “severely cramp your communication.” (from Inc.)
えー、あー、ですね、うーん、等々。そういう言葉は使わないほうがいい。カリスマと呼ばれる人たちは eloquent しゃべりも上手い。
The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.
Jane speaks eloquently about her art.
Jane は自分のアートについて熱く語った。
giving a clear, strong message:
Speech or writing that is eloquent is well expressed and effective in persuading people.
eloquent 雄弁な、物語っている
11か月前の単語は extol 褒めちぎる https://himekueireitango.extol