今日の単語 disheartening
D 0件のコメントdisheartening
今日の単語は disheartening です。ほんとうは意味を予想してから辞書を引くのがベストですが、ここでは辞書の意味からまず記載します。
causing you to lose confidence, hope, and energy
If something is disheartening, it makes you feel disappointed and less confident or less hopeful.
It was disheartening to see how few people turned up.
This was very disheartening news.
Chicago Had 2 Mass Shootings In A Single Day: ‘Extremely Disheartening And Emotional’ Twenty-one people were shot — two fatally — Tuesday in Chicago. No one was in custody in two mass shootings that happened in Woodlawn and Back of the Yards. (from Chicago Block Club)
‘It’s been very disheartening:’ Florida-Georgia unemployment mix up leaves woman’s benefits on hold – “I received two payments from Florida,” she said. “But from what I could tell, my payment was never backdated.” The amount of money, more than $10,000, would help the couple as they try to recover from the financial void created by the shutdown. “It would be the biggest relief for me because I’ve been worrying about this for over two years now,” Meier said. “It’s been very disheartening.” (from Orland.com)
受け取るべきはずの失業保険。2年間待たされたあげくにちゃんと支払ってもらえてない。これは disheartening がっかりするし、失望するし、落胆する。
disheartening 落胆する、失望する、やる気がなくなる
1年前の単語は reticent 口数の少ない https://himekurieitango.reticent