“The term ‘selfie’ was coined in the early 2000s and quickly became a part of everyday language.”
“Work-life balance” ワークライフバランス
“She coined the phrase ‘work-life balance’ to describe the importance of managing both career and personal life.”
“Google” (as a verb) ググる
“I didn’t know the answer, so I just googled it.”
“We met up for brunch on Sunday morning.”
Obsolete せっかくですので、新語の逆、「死語」の言い方も覚えておきましょう。
The term related to words that have fallen out of use is “obsolete.” Obsolete words are those that are no longer in use at all. 単語に限らず、幅広く「使われなくなったもの」に対して使えます。例えば廃盤になった商品などにたいしても使えます。
floppy disk フロッピーディスク
“With the rise of digital technology, floppy disks have become obsolete for data storage.”
pager ポケベル
“The term ‘pager’ is now largely obsolete, as smartphones have taken over its function.”