今日の単語 coined

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Coin はコインでしょ?小銭とか、あるいはゲームセンターのコイン?鉄道の駅などでコインを購入して改札を通る国もありますね。(もはや消滅しましたか?)今日のコインは別のコイン。意外とよく登場しますし、知っておくと便利な単語なので覚えておきましょう。

The word “coined” has a specific meaning related to creating something new, particularly in language or terminology:

Coined は新しい言葉、専門用語などが創られたときに用いられる単語です。以下に例文を挙げてみましょう。日本語で言えば「新語」とか「造語」ですね。どれも当たり前になっています。

“The term ‘selfie’ was coined in the early 2000s and quickly became a part of everyday language.”


“She coined the phrase ‘work-life balance’ to describe the importance of managing both career and personal life.”

“I didn’t know the answer, so I just googled it.”

“We met up for brunch on Sunday morning.”

“With the rise of digital technology, floppy disks have become obsolete for data storage.”

“The term ‘pager’ is now largely obsolete, as smartphones have taken over its function.”



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