今日の単語 calamity
C 0件のコメントcalamity
1.今日は calamity です。例文を見るとすぐにわかる単語です。
Toyko Olympics: Games already teetering toward calamity – Rick Broadbent in Tokyo finds an edgy city at odds with the confidence of organisers. The last torchbearer when the Olympic Games were previously held in Tokyo in 1964 was Yoshinori Sakai. Born in Hiroshima on the day the bomb dropped, his presence was a symbol of hope. Now a city and nation are clinging to that quality amid prayers that the return of sport’s biggest event does not fan the flames of a public health catastrophe. (from the Times)
Germany fears more flooding as toll crosses 80 in worst calamity since 1962 – Further flooding was feared in western Germany on Friday as a breach at another dam loomed and the death toll rose to more than 80 in what is Germany’s worst mass loss of life in years. (from India Today)
ドイツも洪水と土石流で多くの家が流されたり人が亡くなりました。1962年以来の calamity です。
A series of calamities ruined them – floods, a failed harvest, and the death of a son.
calamity ひとつだけでも calamity なのに、いくつも続いたらそれは打ちのめされます。。。
a serious accident or bad event causing damage or suffering
an event that causes much suffering to many people
Any wars – that could only end in calamity
calamity 大惨事、被災