今日の単語 buffet
B 0件のコメントbuffet
今日の単語は buffet です。食いしん坊の私としては buffet といえば食べ放題、、、ですがもう一つの意味を今日は見ておきましょう。読み方はビュッフェ・バッフェィではなくてバフェットです。あの大富豪と同じ音ですがこちらはスペルが異なりますね。
(of wind, rain, etc.) to hit something repeatedly and with great force:
If something is buffeted by strong winds or by stormy seas, it is repeatedly struck or blown around by them.
The little boat was buffeted mercilessly by the waves.
Their plane had been severely buffeted by storms.
Storms swept the country, closing roads, buffeting ferries and killing as many as 30 people.
1 Killed, 40 Hurt When Apparent Tornado Hits Germany – BERLIN — Violent storms buffeting western Germany on Friday killed at least one man and injured about 40 people, 10 of them seriously, when an apparent tornado raked several towns, police and local media said. (from Europe)
China’s export markets are slowing, which is no surprise considering the heavy headwinds buffeting the global economy. The Ukraine war, inflation pressures and central banks fighting back with higher interest rates are all taking their toll. Global economic confidence looks vulnerable, recession talk is back in vogue and world trade growth is slowing. (from China Micro Economy)
buffet 叩きつける、打撃をあたえる
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