今日の単語 buckle down
B 0件のコメントbuckle down
2.そろそろ buckle down しなきゃ。まずはネットから例文を探してみます。
‘We’re in trouble Kansas City,’ Doctors say COVID-19 comeback threatens metro – Stites and other doctors attribute the jump to a combination of the spread of the Delta variant and a high number of people in the metro who remain unvaccinated. The health system said it’s seeing a lot of young people who are unvaccinated testing positive for the virus. Health experts say we’re going to need to buckle down again instead of moving on from COVID-19, like everyone hoped would happen by now. (from FOX4)
収まりかけたと思ったらまだまだ。コロナとの戦いに buckle down しなければ。
Buckle Down on the Buckle Up: A paramedic and EMT share their urgent message – KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Buckle down on the buckle up. That’s the urgent message a Kalamazoo County EMT and paramedic are pushing to share with others about seatbelt safety. Andie Grube, an EMT, and Jess Knapp, a paramedic, said they felt called to action because of the tragedies they’ve seen when people don’t buckle up. (from the News Channel)
He will have to buckle down to his work soon if he wants to pass the course.
合格したいなら、そろそろ buckle down しないとね。
to start working hard
if you buckle down to something, you start working seriously at it
buckle down 身を入れる
1か月前の単語は、、、https://himekurieitango/dreary 気が滅入るような、でした。1か月前はまだ梅雨でしたね。