今日の単語 arduous
A 0件のコメントarduous
1.今日の単語は arduous です。どんなイメージを持ちますか。
Covid vaccination turns arduous over ‘appointment slips’ – Only two or three policemen deployed to manage crowd at some major centres; several people had to return without getting vaccinated. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The widespread chaos witnessed at the Jimmy George Stadium during the vaccination drive on Monday had caused a major embarrassment to the authorities. But the situation in many vaccination centres in rural areas in the district is much worse. Several people had to return without getting vaccinated after the health workers, while ignoring the text message which clearly showed the schedule, insisted on the printout of appointment slips. Hence the people, most of them elderly, are running from pillar to post without receiving proper guidance. (from the New Indian Express)
日本だけではなく、どこも arduous。
Let’s Dance: Floyd County’s soccer teams begin their arduous journeys toward a state championship – (from Rome News Tribune)
VIVERE’s AKARA Series brings a touch of home to every room – You will of course be familiar with the feeling of coming home after a long and arduous day – coming back to a place where you feel you can leave the weight of the world at the doorstep and recharge, ready to face the next day. (from the Jakarta Post)
長くて arduous な一日を終えて自宅に帰った時の気持ちは世界共通。
100 years ago, a trip to the West was an arduous journey.
100年前の旅といえば、ほとんどすべてが arduous だったのではないでしょうか。
difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy
difficult and tiring, or needing great deal of effort
backbreaking, burdensome, exhausting, painful, etc.
arduous 骨の折れる