今日の単語 amass

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1.今日は amass です。a + mass かな。例文を見てみましょう。

Asian central banks amass record high in foreign exchange reserves – Asia’s emerging economies have accumulated their highest level of foreign exchange reserves since 2014, offering a powerful buffer against market volatility if the United States Federal Reserve changes course. (from the Straits Times)

最高記録。accumulate も使われていますので意味が想像しやすいですね。

Stop Guessing: Here’s Exactly How to Retire a Millionaire – Let’s get this out of the way: Lottery tickets, penny stocks, and multi-level marketing schemes are not reliable ways to amass a million-dollar retirement fund. Thankfully, there is one dependable strategy you can use if you have enough time on your side. Read on to learn the three-step plan that can carry you to millionaire status by the time you retire. (from the Waco Herald-Tribune)


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle want to hire brand guru who helped Nicole Scherzinger amass a £10million fortune with lucrative ad deals as they ‘rapidly expand their business empire’, source claims (from the Mail Online)


She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels.

小説がたくさん売れて、大きな財産を amass しました。

We have amassed a large amount of information.

情報にも使える amass


to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period

to gather for oneself, collect as one’s own

to collect into a mass, pile; gather

to come together, assemble




amass 蓄える


1週間前の単語は 今日の単語 hearten でした



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