今日の単語 aka
A 0件のコメントaka
今日は aka 正確には単語ではなく略語です。知らないとピンとこないので、知っておくと便利。also known as です。
abbreviation for also known as: used when someone has another name
aka is an abbreviation for ‘also known as’. aka is used especially when referring to someone’s nickname or stage name.
James Brown, aka the “Godfather of Soul”
Did MrBeast a.k.a. Jimmy Donaldson’s Mother Sue Serve In the Military? Jimmy Donaldson, popularly known as MrBeast has been ruling YouTube for a while now. With over 90 million subscribers on YouTube, MrBeast is among the top content creators in the world. Naturally, with such an impressive subscriber count, people want to know more about MrBeast’s personal life and especially his childhood. (from Essentially Sports)
登録者数9000万人の大人気ユーチューバー、Mr. Beast はジミー ドナルドソンさん。
Meet Devin Halbal, aka HalBaddie, TikTok’s Muse of the Moment – If you are someone who has spent a considerable amount of time on TikTok, you have likely come across the work of @hal.baddie, also known as Devin Halbal, a travel vlogger living abroad in Turkey. Her inspirational videos, consisting of mantras and travel tips, are poetic in nature—a clip in which she walks outside with plenty of greenery in the background saying, “I was put on this earth to thrive, strive, and really enjoy my life, fully alive,” prompted one TikTok user to comment “Dr. Seuss behavior” and another to say, “It’s giving reduce, reuse, recycle.” In addition to her daily affirmations, she’s also singlehandedly bringing back the selfie stick, effortlessly coining off-the-cuff phrases (“Met Gala behavior”), and spreading positivity on TikTok every chance she gets. (If you’re not on TikTok, her videos are often crossposted to Twitter and Instagram, because yes, they really are that relevant). (from W)
こちらはTiktokで大人気。旅するVlogger の Halbal さん。ちょっと観てみたくなります。
aka 別名
1年前の単語は enthrall 魅了する、とりこにする https://himekurieitango.enthrall