今日の単語 acumen
A 0件のコメントacumen
今日の単語は acumen です。business acumen という形で出会いましたが、意味から確認したいと思います。
skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject, such as business or politics:
Acumen is the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions.
She has considerable business/financial acumen.
His sharp business acumen meant he quickly rose to the top.
The New CIO Mantra: Connecting Technology and Business Acumen – Learn how to take charge and lead the way, tapping your tech expertise and holistic view to provide value across the business. It’s clear that in the last two years, the global pandemic has created unique circumstances for CIOs. On the one hand, they are grappling with enabling remote workers and securing enterprise data, and on the other hand, CIOs must support accelerated digital transformation to both survive and thrive. (from CIO)
テクノロジーと判断力をつなぐ、がCIOの新しいマントラになりそう。Chief Informatics Officer がより一層重なポジションになるのは間違いなさそうですね。会社の存続と成功のカギ。
How To Effectively Use A Business Simulation In Today’s Business Acumen Training – In full disclosure, I build and facilitate business simulations that are used within leadership development and other training programs globally. With that said, I’m often asked, “What is the best way to use a business simulation within business acumen training?” This is a good question, and the answer isn’t as easy as one might think. This might sound strange, but using a business simulation within business acumen training is not always a great idea. Yes, these tools are extremely engaging and can help effectively reinforce the business acumen training. But these tools can also turn into an unmanageable distraction that can turn perfectly good business acumen training into a program of mass confusion. (from Forbes)
How Having Entrepreneurial Parents Refined My Own Business Acumen – My parents were small-business owners and entrepreneurs, yet I didn’t fully appreciate or understand just how much they taught me until I had my own business. My parents were a bit unconventional growing up. To start with, my mom worked. For perspective, in the 1970s, she was the only working mom I knew — none of my friends’ moms had jobs let alone a career. My parents were also small-business owners with a few different irons in the fire. My dad was an insurance agent who took over the business from his father-in-law and ran it until he died in 2018. My parents bought a travel agency and ran that for 25 years until travel agencies pretty much went extinct, a casualty of the internet. And my mom ran a business that rented villas in Jamaica for most of that time as well. (from Entrepreneur)
acumen 判断力、才覚
1年前の単語は detriment 害のある https://himekurieitango.detriment