今日の単語 biennially
B 0件のコメントbiennially
今日の単語は biennially です。biannually に似ています。発音も似ています。意味は?
once every two years
意味は単純。でも間違えやすいので使うとしても注意が必要。あるは every two years というほうが誤解がうまれにくいかもしれないですね。
He believes that the Cricket World Cup should take place biennially, rather than every four years.
The World Championship Cheese Contest, hosted biennially since 1957 by the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, is the largest technical cheese, butter, yogurt, and whey competition in the world. A team of 53 internationally renowned judges evaluated all entries over the three-day event held in Madison, Wisconsin. (from Longview News Journal)