今日の単語 anecdotal

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今日の単語、anecdotal の名詞は anecdote 逸話です。形容詞なら逸話的な、逸話の、ですね。一応、英英辞典の意味を確認してみましょう。

Anecdotal information is not based on facts or careful study

Anecdotal evidence is based on individual accounts, rather than on reliable research or statistics, and so may not be valid.

Anecdotal speech or writing is full of anecdotes or is based on anecdotes.

based on reports or things someone saw rather than on proven facts

anecdotal evidence で事例証拠


Are omicron symptoms different for vaccinated and unvaccinated people? In the month and a half since omicron started spreading across the U.S., we’ve learned a lot about what the variant looks and feels like. For many, especially the vaccinated, it seems to feel more like a bad cold than influenza or severe respiratory illness. While there haven’t yet been any major peer-reviewed studies of omicron symptom differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, doctors are reporting anecdotal evidence that show some differences. (from News 4)


Russia’s embassy calls on London to stop dangerous provocations about Ukraine. The latest news, concerning Russia’s plans to bring to power in Kiev former Verkhovnaya Rada deputy Yevgeny Muraev, who remains under Moscow’s sanctions as a person posing a threat to national security, is completely anecdotal, the representative of the Russian diplomatic mission said. (from TASS)

ロシアの制裁下にあるウクライナの元議員に権力を与えようとしている、というのは anecdotal だと言っています。ここでの訳はデマ、のほうがしっくりきそうです。

There is only anecdotal evidence that the medicine works.


Gray’s book is anecdotal and entertaining.


None the less throughout the ages there have been anecdotal reports of people being mysteriously healed after contact with a healer.



anecdotal 逸話の、事例の


1年前の単語は ingenious (創造的な) と ingenuous (純真な) https://himekurieitango.ingenious


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