今日の単語 bevy
B 0件のコメントbevy 今日の単語は bevy です。先に英英辞典と英和辞典にある意味を確認しましょう a large group of people, especially women or girls, or a large gr
bevy 今日の単語は bevy です。先に英英辞典と英和辞典にある意味を確認しましょう a large group of people, especially women or girls, or a large gr
trajectory trajectory の意味を英英辞典と英和辞典で確認します the curved path that an object follows after it has been thrown or s
contiguous まずは英英辞典と英和辞典に記載のある説明を確認します next to or touching another, usually similar, thing Things that are cont
bring about まずは英英辞典と英和辞典にある意味の説明をみてみましょう to cause something to happen To bring something about means to cause
backdrop 英英辞典と英和辞典の説明をまずは確認 a large piece of cloth with buildings, countryside, etc. painted on it, hung at th
full fledged (fully fledged) まず、英英辞典と英和辞典にある説明を読んでみましょう。 completely developed or trained: Fully fledged means
empty nester 英英辞典、英和辞典にある意味をまずは見てみましょう someone whose children have grown up and no longer live at home a marri